Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Today in Room 202

"In music I liked when we learned a new song," said Trentyn.

"At recess I played with my friends.  I played handball,"  dictated Grant.

"In read to self we read a lot of books,"  explained Harper.

"We did word work.  My favorite was writing in clay,"  noted Siya.

"We wrote in our writing folders.  I wrote about when I was having a playdate with my friend,"  noted Olivia.

Baxter dictated, "Our teacher Mrs. Levy won "Teacher of the Month."

"I liked doing in math models,"  explained Nolan.


  1. Dear Mrs. Levy -

    Congratulations on your award as LVUSD teacher of the month!!! We would love to hear more about this exciting honor. It's no wonder you won, when your class has such exciting comments about their day in school!

    We feel so lucky that you are Noah's teacher. Have a great evening!

    Noah & family

  2. Sounds like you all are doing great things in school! Love the pictures, videos, and quotes!! Congratulations, Mrs. Levy, on your award as LVUSD teacher of the month! It is well deserved!!
    Grant and Family

  3. Very nice. Congratulations ! Mrs Levy.

  4. Dear Mrs. Levy and class,

    My favorite activity today is when Mrs. Levy read us Mrs. Piggle Wiggle. It is a funny book about a lady that lives in a house that's upside-down and how she fixes a lot of problems that the kids have.



  5. Congratulations Mrs. Levy on being named the LVUSD teacher of the Month!

  6. Congratulation Mrs. Levy on your award as LVUSD teacher of the month!!!
    I am very happy that you are my teacher again this year!!!
    - Brianna
