Thursday, April 5, 2012

First Grade Visits The California Science Center

First Grade Visits The California Science Center

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

To our blogging buddies from Australia.

We have been lucky enough to have some first grade Australian friends to blog with.  Mrs. Buckby has been writing to us and answering some of our questions about her wonderful continent.  Here is what Mrs. Buckby wrote and our answers to her great questions.  Thank you Mrs. Buckby, we hope you keep on writing on our blog.

Our answers are in red.

Mrs Levy and class,

Thank you for taking the time to look at our blog and I’m glad you liked the ‘Term 1 fun’ pictures! I’m going to try and answer the great questions you have asked – Our class in on holidays for Easter at the minute but I hope if some children from room 6 are checking out the blog over the holidays, they will reply to you also!

Mason, the temperature in our region of Australia is around 20 – 24 degrees Celsius at the minute which is around 70 degrees Fahrenheit. We are in Autumn now and are awaiting the cold weather ahead. Some parts of Australia are much hotter than this, with some outback areas still around 40 degrees Celsius or 100 degrees Fahrenheit! What is the weather like in California?

Our weather today is beautiful and sunny, about 75 degrees F.

Christian, I have many favorite books but in class at the minute we are enjoying reading ” The Magic Faraway Tree” By Enid Blyton. Have you heard of this author?  We have never read this book, but we did read Possum Magic this morning.  Have you read Possum Magic?  Have you ever had lamington, vegamite, or minties? 

Costa, my favorite Australian animal would be the koala. Their fur is so soft and they are very cuddly. We have many zoos in Australia that allow you to cuddle koalas but it is best not to interfere with them in their own habitat. Have you ever seen a real koala?  In our class 13 people have seen a koala and 8 people have not seen a koala.

I’m glad you liked our photos Colin, we were making biscuits. It was a great way to practice some of the skills we had learned in maths. Do you like maths?  We do math every day.  This week we started learning about coins.  What are you learning about in math?

Yes Sally, most schools wear uniforms in Australia. It is a great way to recognise a school when they are out in the community. Do you wear uniforms for any other activities like sport or another hobby?
Not very many schools wear uniforms but a lot of sports have uniforms.  Some of the sports we do that we wear uniforms for are:  soccer, basketball, capture the flag, dance, horseback riding,  karate, t-ball --baseball, gymnastics, and football.

Noah we have recently finished learning about how to keep ourselves and other people safe. We made a safety message about all the things we had learned about. Do you have safety rules in your school?
In school we have learned about safety ideas like, don't talk to strangers, no bullying, don't run by the classrooms, keep your hands to yourself.

Yes Jade we have what we call ‘play time’ which is a 30 minute break in the morning and then for ‘lunch time’ we spend 1 hour outside. We are lucky to have a lot of room outside to play and the children enjoy playing sports like soccer, down ball, a AFL (Aussie rules football). What do you enjoy doing at recess? Do you have some great play equipment?  At recess we like to play handball, we play on the monkeybars, we jump rope, we play football and basketball, and we hula-hoop.

I hope I have answered all of your questions – what great questions they were!
Stay in touch,
From your blogging buddy
Mrs Buckby