Saturday, September 19, 2009

Sight words

Hi All,

Happy Saturday! I was going through the homework packets and noticed that some kids had returned the sight word sheets. These should be used at home to practice these high frequency words. Cut out the sight words and practice reading these words until they are memorized. One way to keep the words in one place is to punch a hole in the upper corner and place on a ring.

Being able to read high frequency sight words from memory is one way we become good readers. High frequency sight words may be words that do not follow the rules of the English language or they may be words that we encounter a lot in our reading. Either way, by the end of the school year, your first grader should be able to read the 200 first grade high frequency sight words out of context (meaning from a list, not in a story).

Below is a list of the sight words from Theme One in our literature unit:

go, on, the, and, here, jump, not, too, we, a, find, have, one, to, who

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