Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Daily News

"I had fun making towers with Samuel in the play yard," roared Rain!

"I enjoyed doing math," babbled Parsa.

"I liked doing the computer game," babbled Jakob.

"I liked reading Click Clack Moo," grinned Jules.

"Today I had fun doing the word search," roared Luke. 

"Today I liked doing the Winter writing," rejoiced Matthew.


  1. Dear Mrs. Levy and class,

    We are Hannah and Adia from Mrs. Yollis' class. We loved your Daily News!

    We noticed that Jakob and Parsa both "babbled". We both have blogs, and Adia's blog's name is Adia's Babble Blog. If you would like to comment on our blogs , you can go to Mrs. Yollis' blog, scroll down to the student blog section and leave a comment on Hannah's Hacienda or Adia's Babble Blog.

    Hope you have a joyous time viewing our earned blogs!

    Hannah and Adia

    P.S. At the top of the comment it says Hannah and Adia said..., if you click on that, it will take you to Mrs. Yollis' Classroom Blog.

  2. Dear Mrs. Levy,

    I agree with jules if I were in your class, but I would not grin I would rejoice it. I also, agree with Luke that He likes word searches. In fact I love word searches.

