Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A visitor from down under... Tasmania

Today we had a visitor from Tasmania, Australia.  Miss Wyatt has been traveling across the United States and Canada since September with her stuffed buddy Davo the Tasmanian devil.

 She shared lots of interesting facts with us about Australia, the Tasmanian devil and other Australian animals.

Here are some of the facts we learned:

"In Australia there is a kangaroo called the red kangaroo," added Sally.

"The red kangaroo uses it's back legs to attack, " babbled Mason.

"Tasmanian devils run when they get their food, so that the other Tasmanian devils won't get it," roared Christian.

"Tasmania is an island near Australia," grinned Colin.

"There's a lot of Australian snakes that are poisonous," exclaimed Noah. 

You can see Miss Wyatt's adventures on her blog:  http://mrdevil.edublogs.org/

Friday, November 18, 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Turkey Day

Thanksgiving is fast approaching. 

We have been busy in Room 125. We have been making turkey glyph puppets, making a pie chart about who likes turkey and solving turkey fact familiy equations.  We wrote about what Mr. Turkey would say the day before Thanksgiving and we wrote about how to catch Mr. Turkey.  

What will you do for Thanksgiving? 

Will you stay home or travel? 

Friday, November 4, 2011

November- Our poem of the week

In November's gusty gale
I will flop my flippy tale
and spout hot soup
I'll be a whale!
Spouting once, spouting twice
spouting chicken soup with rice.
                                       written by Maurice Sendak

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Daily News

"I liked playing with Shayna," said Jade.

"I liked doing the Word Find at the when you are done table," babbled Colin.

"I liked meeting Adam," said Michelle.

"I loved doing the separating of the season things,"  roared Mia.

"I liked doing the pointers," claimed Nicholas.